************************** Omega V70 ***************************
Hello There!
Thanx for downloading my skin
****************** My Skin So Far *************
Mr Hysch Amp
Hysch Amp II
Technics Amp
Omega Amp
Omega Amp II
Omega 2000
Mp3place Amp (Made this one for the guys at www.mp3place.com)
Omega V70
************************Some Info************************
HomePage: http://www.torget.se/users/m/mrhysch
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ: ******
Ironage Amp Colorwave - Info
This is my second well designed amp. I like it very much and it's my favorite.
The colors are nice and bright, and have a 3D look.
Ths skin had many bugs, and I had to repair them ...
MPC 2000 amp
Release date: Mar 7 2003
Chris Marchese
Force of Habit Productions
This is one of my FAVORITE pieces of equipment.
Aside from the original AKAI MPC3000 v3.1, the MPC2000 v1.72
is one of the strongest pieces of outboard g ...
AriX Ilimitado ®
Autor: Leandro Cortese
Fecha: 23/10/03
Lugar: Castelar, Bs. As. Argentina
Programas utilizados: Macromedia Fireworks MX y Corel Photo-Paint 8.0
Contacto: info-is@in-file ICQ: 107923557
Hola! espero que les guste el skin, ...
This skin,I think is better than the other skins I've made(the most complete one too).I'll soon be hosting a site where the winamp skinners will get useful tools and links that will speedup and enrich their skinning process.So hope u like the sk ...