-Under Construction-
created by dark ninja aka Jacob
website : http://www.twisted-amusement.tk
e-mail : info-is@in-file
date started : 24.06.2004
date finished : 27.05.2005
my apologies for the no balance thing as
i wanted to put one in but i did`nt have any ideas for it
probably the longest amount of time for me to make a skin
as i hav`nt been happy with certain things like the vol bal area and Cbuttons,
it`s been a long build but here it is
(C) GRAPHICS BY Dar Kuma. Please,
- DO NOT pass this skin as your work
- DO NOT publish this skin without my permission
- DO NOT use elements of my skins for your own projects
- you may edit this skin for PERSONAL USE ONLY
if you have any suggestions e-mail :info-is@in-file
thanxs for using Paradoxical Partical,Jacob
J-M-E Systems V1.2 The Awakining
Skin for Winamp 2.x
(c)2003 Jonnyo (AKA: Jon Jopling)
Date 22 Aug 2003
Please feel free to comment via e-Mail or leve
comments on the website where ...
created by Rommel Vincent C. Angeles
for Vivian P.
finished December 23, 2001 12:43am
The nephilim are supposed offspring of mortals
and angels.
I made this skin for someone who, if not angelic,
is certainly not of ...
--[ TopazAmp v1.3 ]--
about this skin
(for v2.x of Winamp)
This is my first attempt at a Winamp skin, based on the design of my web site.
-- some bugs from v1.0 fixed
-- thanks to Wolf [http://surf.to/guf, info ...
Made by Surfo.
Bueno este es mi primer skin el cual dedico a todo el
team en el que me encuentro y en especial a mi brother
infected el cual a sido un gran apoyo y asesor para la
creacion de este y otros trabajos :D .
Copyright. Surfo.inc
FX- ...