*******B L U E S A C R E M 1.2*****************
Creator: The well known Skinmaker, Takezo
E-mail: info-is@in-file
What I fixed:
* I added the balance button , what i havent`t done before. Because i thought it makes no sence.But many people reminded me on that!
* I changed the playlist, it looks now much better!
* I also changed the look from the playlist when you strech it!
* I changed the buttons of the equalizer! Now it fits more together!
* And i changed little things like the look from the titelbar buttons or the sites from the playlist.Many little stuff!
If you have any questions or whatever then
please contact me under: info-is@in-file
Have fun with it!!!
KMFDM Money skin for use with Winamp
created by Cameron Kerr
Version 1.00 24/11/00
No cursors. No cookies.
Look carefully at her eyes to change the BALANCE or VOLUME
############################ ...
v5.0 updated for winamp 5
added 4 pixels to genex.bmp
v2.9 updated for winamp 2.9,
added video and medialibrary windows,
fixed a couple of minor bugs
after seeing the documentary Dogtown and z-boys at
the 2002 Internat ...
* C H A M E L E O N Version 1.0 *
This skin is an authorized remix of Leonardo C. Alves' Oceano Player - Caribe,
made for the www.1001winampskins.com remix contest 20 ...
AMPOWERS 2.0 (Austin Powers) SKIN for WINAMP
Created by Massimo Maisano info-is@in-file
version 2.0 11/08/2000
I didn't want to complete the work, but I had to, 'cause a stupid guy published on winamp.com MY skin with HIS name (James Hastings, y ...
by Josh Smith
I got one of the new CCCDs (Copy Control CDs) from Japan a while ago, and while it took me all of 10 minutes to figure out how to copy the CD so I could burn it and play it in a regular software player rat ...