- The name of the skin: Star Trek based Audio LCARS
- Release version of the skin: 3.00
- A short description of the skin: Star Trek based LCARS for MP3 Players
- The category that best fits your skin: TV & Movie Genre
- Designer: Thom Puckett
- Ema ...
for Winamp 2x,3x,5x
Created By : Thiru
Contact : info-is@in-file
This is my sixth skin.This skin is the 2nd version of Illusion.I'm looking forward to create smackdown skin next.I've skinned the basic windows,hope you like the skin.
***Demon v 1.0****
The DEMON has arrived and it's
designed to destroy Mp3,wav & etc.
This abomination was engineered in
Photoshop 5.5 and its attributes
the creator is a shadow that cannot
be seen but ...
Created By Steven Linton, 23/06/99
This is my 1st attempt at a Winamp skin, and considing the time it took, will probebly be my last as well.
I hope that you like it as much as I do, I made it for my personal use mainly as it seems no one likes it.
//AfterShock Digital
//Veroka 2003
//Buenos Aires, Argentina
//Remix specially made for
//.avs included.
//Hope you like it!
function info()
var name = "AfterShock Digital";
release = "July 200 ...