River Plate skin
Por Verónica Lemos
Febrero 2004 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dedicado especialmente a mi esposo.
Espero que lo disfruten.
Gracias por bajarlo.
Bosteros abstenerse.
Comentarios? Sugerencias?
::->::WilD Glaze::::winamp 2.9x::> Adobe Imageready did just the trick! it's waaaay cool!! all the shadows, blending etc are kept intact even in layers and then frames are flattened into new seperated layers which proved to be easier to copy and paste int ...
==========================---------------- Zombie '99
M E T A M P m o r p h o s i s v1.0
Author notes: This is my first at ...
Renegade X
Comments? Suggestions?
Web Site:
July 1st, 2001
Pa ...
Hello there!!!
This is my second skin of Forte (Bass), and it has cursors of Forte and Treble, it really took me a lot of w ...
All parts and resources of "Mystik II" were made by Alex Luu (aka Dawg4Life2K1).
Feel free to distribute the skin as much as possible, but only under my name, changes
can be made but not resubmitted as a "new" skin, and all rips are strictly prohibit ...
This skin was made in a couple of days by Rasmus Winter
visit my website on www.angelfire.com/or/rible/
send any suggestions for improvements to info-is@in-file
I hope you like it ...