*** Waterdrop ***
A Winamp skin inspired by a drop of water...
--> Version 1.2
--> This skin was made by Miara (info-is@in-file)
Changes in version 1.1:
- Adjusted colors to make the single pieces look nicer.
- Added two animated cursors
This skin was downloaded from
Winamp Skin@rt
"Christmas Amp" Skin ...
"Hell Gates" (Cemetary Gates Remix)
Created by Dimichan, remixed by Guilherme Simi Müller (info-is@in-file)
This skin was remixed for the 1001winampskins.com "skin remix contest" with permission given by the author.
Please no distribution or modi ...
=== Equalize by Panther 37 ===
When I was creating TI-83amp versions 1 and 1.1
(Winamp.com IDs: 3325 & 144620) I was con-
stricted to the amp looking like a certain object.
This restricted some of my creative talent. So I
made an amp that wasn't b ...
--={Halo Amp}=--
v 1.5
Author : Matt Nelson, info-is@in-file
Website : http://reciprocal.cjb.net
AIM : MiniMp3
Date : 02/25/03
--={ Comments }=--
Changes From 1.0:
-EQ Grid Removed, as well as the sliders
-Dead Blue ...