Metalamp v 2.00
My name is jone this is one of my well done skins
and I am were happy with it.
This skin were made the 19 august 1999 17:07
The skin got a original name but I couldnt find
any better name.
E-mail me at: info-is@in-file
I made the skin with the programs:
paint shop pro 5.00
windows 98 paint
skinner 0,27 (only main)
adobe photo shop 4.00
Its a short readme but I dont care!!!
Metalamp v 2.00
Winamp3 Classified skin for Winamp
(Released July 4, 2004.)
This port of the Winamp3 De ...
Blizzard v1.0
Here's a year-end gift for everyone...clean, easy to use, eye catching... hope you like it.
All images were skinned using Photoshop 7.0, Service Utility, Skinner Utility.
Author: ely ocbina
e-mial: i ...
BLAZE by sdkaneda
version 1.0: 24 November, 2002
hope you like it!
sdkaneda - info-is@in-file
Animefringe Online Magazine ...
Open the Door
(Kingdom Hearts) Riku
by Elwen Skye
- font is Univers Light Condensed
- balance is hidden, as usual
- EQ toggle is hidden
- play button is hidden until se ...
Hecate Enthroned: sKins Of Chaos
by Mario Portuguez
Este es mi nuevo skin sobre la excelente banda "Hecate Enthroned", la idea se le ocurrió a mi amigo Holandés Crazy Mike que es un black de los bravos ...
Boldog Új Évet Kívánok!
Winamp - 2015 v.1.70b Neon Genesis Evangelion skin a Winamp 2.xx-es
A skin a NERV kezelőszerveinek, a holoprojektív képernyőkek,az irányító-
berendezésekek és az Evangelionok fegyverrendszer kezelőszerveinek
ha ...
Sum of Parts by StillWater
This skin includes a skin for the Amarok plugin.
Thanks to everybody who commented/criticised it at the WA2-skins forum while it was in progress.
You can get all of my skins here:
http://www.1001winampskin ...
AOL Instant Messanger Amp (AIM Amp)
(c) 2000 Neil Harvey
A companion skin to go with the AOL instant Messanger program, my favourite method of chatting on the net.
A simple, clean ...