Brought to you by: Ray Agnes
Completion Date: 7/20/2000
CONTACT: info-is@in-file
SLOGAN: " 'Then I Let the Alpine Play' " [lyrics from Dynamite
Hack's song - "Boyz In The Hood"]
Hey Fella's,
This is a continuati ...
ZeldaAmp is back! Zelda has been put under a spell of endless sleep, and it's up to Link to save her! Gannon is dead, but his minions are waiting to revive him by spreading Link's ashes on his grave, so whatever happens... LINK MUST NOT DIE.
------------ ...
name: Psi-amp
By : Salvatore
mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ#: 36602778
Skin is easy to use and of course looks verry nice on
your desktop. Minimized the eq-main-playlist create a
display with many functions shown.
Comments/ideas are welcome.
oth ...
For Fenerbahce Turkey's best football team.
Version history:
V 1.03 Change on the buttons 04/27/2001
V 1.02 Lots of changes
(borders, buttons, volume bar, text...) 04/17/2001
V 1.01 A change on the main skin. 10/01/2000
The Blair Witch Project Amp (1)
This Winamp skin was made by Vickie Mapes (info-is@in-file).
I have no affiliation with anyone involved with
the movie The Blair Witch Project. I just liked
the movie and thought I'd make a skin for it.
I'll be t ...
------------------------ New York Jets ------------------------
This skin is copyrighted by SEAHAWK
ICQ # 34372446
Please send feedback !! ...