You know those assignments you
used to get in Elementary
school with the purple ink?
It’s kinda like that.
First skin, made with MS Paint.
December 2005
so here it is, my very first skin. if you'd like to know a bit more
about how have done it, keep reading...
simply put, i only had "paintbrush" to create this skin and let me tell
you i had to cut and paste so many times i got fed up and quit. and ...
Skin: Hassium AMP Hi-Tech
Version: 3.3
Author: Nexces
EMail: info-is@in-file
Note: A simple complex skin with two colours and lots of shades.
This is the final versio ...
By Diego Schneider
Finalmente terminei este skin...
Como a idéia deste era muito
parecida como a primeira versão
do ORACULO SPECTRUM eu resolvi dar
o mesmo nome.
```````````````````````````` AquaSteel 1.0 ````````````````````````````
This is my 12th Skin, and was created to prove
that my skins aren't plain and simple.
This skin took about 6 days to complete, using
MS Paint & Adobe Photoshop.
The MikroAm ...
Author: Matthias Rasim
EMail: info-is@in-file
BlueStyle V1.0
BlueStyle is a Skin which main color is a dark blue. the buttonbar is
colored white-blue.
Player + Playlisteditor + Equalizer + Mini-Browser ...