-Thanks 4 downloading!-
*Released 08/06/04*
....::::2004 (C) Bĺrd G Fleistad.::::.....
You may not change, reverse engineer, republish
or distribute this skin or its contents without the
author's permission.
Bĺrd G Fleistad.
If you wish to publish this skin at your site please
contact me first.
After a little break I'm back!
This time the concept was to make something smooth and shiny,
it started out as a little boring "standard" project, But after a while it started to come
Hope you enjoy it!
Be sure to give me some feedback @ winamp.com!
HermesAMP v1.0
HermesAMP v1.0 @ 08.08.2002
>This is the HermesAMP. Based
in the Jamaican Futurama Character,
Bureaucrat Hermes Conrad. This
is an all green skin (like his suit),
and images of Hermes all around.
Put the ...
Boldog Új Évet Kívánok!
Winamp - 2015 v.1.70b Neon Genesis Evangelion skin a Winamp 2.xx-es
A skin a NERV kezelőszerveinek, a holoprojektív képernyőkek,az irányító-
berendezésekek és az Evangelionok fegyverrendszer kezelőszerveinek
ha ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
This skin was made in a couple of days by Rasmus Winter
visit my website on www.angelfire.com/or/rible/
send any suggestions for improvements to info-is@in-file
I hope you like it ...
Adobe Photo Amp -by- info-is@in-file (aka) Regasoul
Finished on Feb. 24th - 2002 (LATE at night.......)
Almost all of the graphics on this skin are from Adobe Photoshop 5.5. There are a few places where I was creative and made my own gfx.....
I ...
:::::Colors 4TAH My Surrender:::::
by: c-specter (Christian Schönrank)
official winamp skin for "My Surrender".
the new album: "Colors For The American Home".
If you are reading this, then I guess that there is a good chance that you are about to 'borrow' some of my images for your own skin.
Well don't do it! If you are going to make a skin of your own, then you should do just that rather than steal b ...