winamp classic skin by a112
finished 18.08.2004 23:52
Azumanga rules again and again!!! That's one
of reasons why I made this skin. Sakaki is
taken from Azumanga manga, so I didn't had
to think much about this skin's name ^_^.
No MB. No cursors - winamp standard cursors
look great with this skin as I think.
I don't know why but I really like black-and-
white ang grayscale skins.
Feel free to publish it if you'll report me.
Well, I hope I'll be able to create something
else later...
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace non-official Winamp skin (of course!) version 1.3
Made by Jaren Kezaar and Rei(info-is@in-file)
Everything is copyrighted LucasFilm and nothing is mine... except the skin design. ...
************* Cobalt Blue *************
Thank you for downloading my skin.
This is my first attempt at skinning...
Included are skins for the:
- Main window
- Equalizer
- P ...
JeeSound Versión 1.0
Por Jairo alexander Ceballos R.
Colombia Febrero 2002
Espero les guste este
skin, es el primero que
realizo. Si alguien desea
algun tema en especial
no duden en escribirme.
______ ...