Amburners Phoenix 2: Garet Jax
Updated for Aesthetics
This skin is made for my very good friend Ampburner...Hope you like it m8.
I hope u like it, download and comments also appreciated.
Copyright 2003 Garet Jax
All Nintendo & Pokémon logos are registered trademarks of Nintendo Of America Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
-->Pokémon 3D Version 1.2
- added AVS skin.
- added a few visual changes in main, mb, playlist an ...
---------- Millennium ----------
Releaseversion: 2.1
Creator: Riccardo Mosca
Date: 16/4/2000
Contact: info-is@in-file
What's different from v2.0?
A small error in Equalizer and new menu for Playlist
What's different from v1.0?
Bug fixed, tri ...
------------------ YAMAHA SUITE VERSION 1.2 ------------------
Hi Here is the latest version of my Yamaha Skin ..I have just added the mikroamp skin this time.. I haven't modified anything else on the skin mainly because I made it for myself and I like ...
Dark Green Evo 0x0E
15th generation skin by EJ
Playlist Font:
Set as "Small Fonts", which looks rubbish above size 9.
Change font size to 9 in Options, Preferences, Playlist, Playlist Editor Appearance, Playlist Font Size.
[Also you can do this by ...