Winamp Skin: "EnCom Amp"
Author: Michael Brempel
Date : May 2000
E-mail: info-is@in-file
* Thanks for downloading my "EnCom Amp".
* Have fun and send me a feedback.
This Skin is dedicated to one of the best games I've ever played so far! I me ...
Takasan Shimabukuro TEXTZ
Admiring people's work, I create one for myself.
You can distibute this skin freely, but please do not modify.
First Ever Skin By TakaSan Shimabukur ...
Made in JAN 2006
Hecho en ENE del 2006
Bs As :: Argentina
Well, here i am again with a retro skin, this is my fourth submission in this category. This time i made a free version of a GF555 stereo, wich is an old radio from ...
Shite Skin
(C) TufTuf Designs, Summer 2005
Just another skin...
Just like thousands before...
Who gives a Shite?
But then again, making a skin is great...
To see it grow step by step...
Why would one use thousands or millions of colours
When j ...
I was breathing it
it's staring yet
fixed and frozen
I dare
to go off the air
right there
I was believing it
unessential yet
I'll pull my luck out of
thin air
wherever I go
let me know
Wherever I go
Amburners Phoenix 2: Garet Jax
Updated for Aesthetics
This skin is made for my very good friend Ampburner...Hope you like it m8.
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