StarWars Episode II Amp
(c) 2000 info-is@in-file
(c) Lucasfilms
An amp based on the new Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars Episode II
Do I win the prize for the first EPII skin out of the bag LOL.
This one was done, as I thought the picture would fit the main window
Version History
Upgraded to WA2.9 Specification.
Added new text, Fixed MikroAMP, skinned MB inner
1st November 2000
Bug fixes to play list buttons, reversed EQ to match MB and AVS skins,one or two graphical tweaks on cbuttons, titlebar .
29th October 2000
skin finished up with vol/bal sliders, shuff/repeat buttons, EQ function finished, cursors added, this readme file. Mikroskin added
28th October 2000
MB+AVS added, EQ bars added, Winshade mode cleaned up from original Bitmap. Openers and closers added
27th October 2000
Skin started, main images edited to fit all 3 windows. CButtons added, playlist buttons added.
"Cross over to the dark side"
var browser_type=navigator.appName
var browser_version=parseInt(navigator.appVersion)
//if NS 4+
if (browser_type=="Netscape"&&browser_version>=4)
//if IE 4+
else if (browser_type=="Microsoft Internet Explorer"&&browser_version>=4)
//Default goto page (NOT NS 4+ and NOT IE 4+)
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made by: petepan
Hi, since u liked my skin bluemetal i figured i should try making a new one.
But... well I'm not so convinced u will like this one as much as my other one... but h ...
¤----------=[ Zaxon 5.5 ]=-----------¤
Skin made by Daniel Jansson
No ripping or other mean stuff
E-Mail: info-is@i ...
Blue Steel skin for WINAMP 2.x
just unzip in your /winamp/skin directory then select Blue Steel in the window 'select skin'.
Thanks for using this skin. I hope you'll find it useful.
if you have any comments or sug ...