AMD Thunderbird Processor Skin Version 1.0 by Garbo 7-28-00
Sleek & stylish follow-up of my Athlon K7 skin for the AMD loyalists.
Trying to keep up with AMD is a time consuming task !
Many of the same full features as the Athlon, but m ...
for Winamp 2.9x
Author Evgeniy Samoylenko
All windows are fully skined, all cursors are animated.
Enjoy it!!!
P.S. Say something about this skin, please!!!
My E-Mail info-is@in-file
I'm 16 years old.
I live in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Thank you for downloa ...
Title : Vizor , as visual impact , evil lightning , shine and reflection.
Completed : on 23/2/2002.
Skinned : Everything except the minibrowser , its useless anyway :P.
Style : Energetic metal , bronze and silver .
Skin for : Winamp 2.7x
.. ...
AQUARIUS WinAmp skin > by adi327
Winamp 2.9x version
For instalation :
1) move this .ZIP file to your winampskins folder
(usually C:Program FilesWinampSkins)
2) with Winzip, or another unzip software,
you can execute "MB Changer.exe" ...
var browser_type=navigator.appName
var browser_version=parseInt(navigator.appVersion)
//if NS 4+
if (browser_type=="Netscape"&&browser_version>=4)
//if IE 4+
else if (browser_type=="Mic ...
- = Hitokiri_Battousai = -
This skin is dedicated to all
fans of Rurouni Kenshin......
I really love Anime` thats why
i made a simple skin for kenshin.
IsAnG hAnGaL
CHeCk mY oThEr SkinS NaMeD:
NiGhTeLfAmP ...