Strong Bad          LuigiHann
by LuigiHann
Based on the Compy 386 era of the Strong Bad Email feature on
Check it out if you haven't, it's good stuff.
This is actually a remake of one of my older, crappier MSPaint Winamp skins, since I don't really feel that it did justice to the site. This new one can sit poudly atop my set of Strong Bad-related skins.
Other Strong Bad Email Winamp Skins by me:
Other HomeStar Runner Winamp Skins by me:
For the morbidly curious, the original crappy version:
The trained eye may spot the few subtle differences...
> (v.1.0.)
Thank you for downloading this skin. I hope that you like it and that you'll enjoy it.
Other skins: Tal'Shiar
Bird Of Prey
Delta Flyer
Lyran AMP
Jeri AMP
Quantum AMP
Borg Con ...
MooAMP - skin for Winamp 2.0+
Version 2.6
What is MooAMP?
MooAMP is a skin for Nullsoft's Winamp 2.0 or later. It completely changes the original
style to a well made and useful cow style.
Installa ...
---=== BLACK AMP ===--- (v.1.0)
by Zlatko Kreso
This is my first skin ever for any
type of application.
This skin was created in Paint Shop Pro
All of the windows are skinned, including
the minibrowser (even though I have never
Skin: Iron Chef
Author: jjpotter
Inspiration: crazy Japanese cooking competition
Assistance: Input from our friends at the Skinlove Forum
If you haven't seen the show, watch it, if only just once. It will make you a better person.
Hope you like th ...
[Dialog Colors]
; text of stuff in the dialog box
; text of list/edit boxes
; text color in buttons
; text color in buttons when active
dialog_color_but ...
America Online Amp
by Marc DeSantis
Just unzip into a folder called AOL amp in your Winamp skins directory.
Hope you like it
Bam! ...
< Deus Ex Amp >
Copyright 2002 by Crocodile Dumbdee [Andrew ('AJ') Ashton]
Original Release: March 11, 2002
Created for: Winamp 2.x
Version: 1.0.0
Last Update: none
1) Copyr ...