This skin is based on an image of Tifa, by Nomura Tetsuya.
As a help, I have used the Skinner Atlas, Winamp region.txt generator and Vis Toolkit.
~~~~ the begining of the end 1.0 ~~~~
this is the begining, the begining of the end...
This skin uses one of my favorite wallpapers as
the background - thefourthday. I used a skining tool
in the initial stages of design, to get the background
jus ...
Bennie's X-BOX AMP V.1.02
A nice xbox skin from Ben with a little help of Rub. If you find any bug's please report it!
My inspiration for this skin was the x-box game-c ...
Thanks for downloading this skin!!!
You can also find my first submtted skin "Collar Bone" at
any que ...