[name] lines
[author] clarissa favre, a. k. a. miso soup addict (and variations), evil purple blenders (and variations)
[email] info-is@in-file
[website] http://www.geocities.com/miso_soup_addict/index.html
[readme.txt date] 2004 july 10
[skinned] Everything except for those blanged cursors. Cursors are not done because i don't have a program to edit them. But everything else - windows, plugin thingies, buttons - they're all skinned. And if you find any that aren't, email me or something.
[note] Please give me feedback. This is my first skin, i really need it. You are the only hope i have of not going down the path of unskinliness!
[credits] Thanks to the Winamp creators, the MS Paint creators, the Notepad creators, and especially the Paint Shop Pro creators. Thanks to Jellby (et al.) who made Skinner's Atlas 1.5., and who i will always be thanking because i will always be checking my future skins against this template. And (all together now) THANK GOD for music!
(most of the following is for personal recording purposes, because i get all sentimental - you don't have to read it)
[description] I'm not really sure which color is the negative space and which is the positive space... It makes my head hurt. This skin looks weird/nifty against black or white backgrounds. Obviously it matches with everything... I can't think of anything else to say.
[history] This is my first published skin. I experimented on another one a while ago, but gave up on it after partially skinning the main window and the equalizer. There was nothing i learned there that i didn't have to learn all over again when i did this skin. You could almost say that this is actually my first skin.
[comment 2005 jun 19] This skin is my firstborn, i guess you could say. The other incomplete one was more like a miscarriage. Or a failed lab experiment. O.o
[how] I wanted the functions to be useful in the design, not a nuisance. So i decided here that every time i made a skin, i would do the buttons and things first, and add in a picture later if i wanted to. Then i wouldn't risk having to hide buttons or block my picture, which drives me beyond insanity. So i hope i didn't miss any functions.
For some reason, i kept thinking of bamboo sticks and shoji screens. Too much Japanese anime (but is there ever too much?!).
[time] No clue. Possibly almost a month's time, on and off, excepting bug fixes, according to the file dates. It was an unusually busy summer vacation. I know i copied the base skin files on 2004 june 29 and started painting over them on july 02. Or something. The last file to be modified was on july 26. After that i mulled over it awhile, letting it simmer, and took peeks at it occasionally. On 2004 oct 10 i looked at it again and tweaked some more, but no major changes.
Major completions: july 09, july 15-17, july 26
[comment 2004 nov 27] The only thing i really like is those equalizer bars. But then, the more i look at it, the more it grows on me. (Also try the doublesize button, it makes it look pretty funky.)
[comment 2005 jun 19] I think i'm going to go ahead and submit it now, because there's nothing else to be done. School and finals are over, so now i actually have free time.
[comment 2005 jun 29] I tried yet again to find a way to edit the cursors without having to buy a program, but it was hopeless to begin with. If i could edit the cursors, i might make them look like the big numbers in the main window.
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
==================== Project ibun =====================
This skin was created in June 2002 by Thomas Hooper
If you're planning on taking credit for this skin or
publishing it without mentioning me, DONT! because i ...
}this is read better with NOTEPAD{
>created by : Unsane from Bulgaria
>added : v 1.8 -avs,mb and now SHUFFLE & REPEAT buttons(not good but i'll think of something),{the balance just did ...
Flat Skin 1.3 for WinAmp 2.xx - made by Proft - 16-10-2003
1.3 - some cosmetic fix
1.2 - fix many small bugs
1.1 - fix current color in PlayList, more legibility
1.0 - first version
This is my first attempt at a Winamp Skin.
I ...