(c) 2005 Joe W. Garrett (garetjax)
This is my skin and trying to get it to blend from a construction type theme.
Overall its a very nice design.
AVS Browser
Media Library
Permission to use this skin in anyway so to as make it redistributable under anyone other than
myself must first be approved via email confirmation from me. You will also be required to state
that you got permission in the readme.txt and in the comments under where you publish it.
Thank You.
"special set"
skin for WinAMP 2.9x
version 1.00
--> skin made by
I)estym / sergey danushin
summer-autumn 2003
--> the skin is designed for WinAMP 2.91. It should work properly with other 2x versions, up to WinAMP 2.95
--> features
1. skinne ...
.Angels Eyes - Winamp 2.0+ skin set
.RELEASE: Nov 10, 2001
The skin motive is on Rei Ayanami, from the anima/manga series Neon Genesis Evengelion.
Rei is the first child and pilot o ...
.[ ]
.[skin info]
.[creator.:.Jason Lange]
.[date of update.:.31'12'01]
.[inspired by.:.Happiness=read: >:Kaolla::Kaolla Su::Kaolla:< are kept to
myself. My personality is and always
will be a des ...
They r F**ken awesome cymbals..
This Skin started as one i Downloaded from the site
........But it was Crap...
Well It Wasn't that bad, It wasn't finished thats all
It only had the skin for the main screen..
So i finished it, I added a ski ...
Wattos Junkyard Amp
(c) 2000 Neil Harvey
info-is@in-file ,now sadly defunct :(
Created for the greatest Star Wars site on the net
This skin a ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
> (Version 2000)
Winamp 2.x skin
By: Jason Lim aka L|Jai. (info-is@in-file)
Other Skins By L|Jai: digital gEN-X
digital gEN-X II
Titanius v1.0
Prototype GT
Last Time Standing
Last Time Standing (Final Ed ...