Takasan Shimabukuro TEXTZ
Admiring people's work, I create one for myself.
You can distibute this skin freely, but please do not modify.
First Ever Skin By TakaSan Shimabukuro (A SPEED(JPOP) FAN), though
I am not a JAPANESE.
Name : Takasonz Skin 99 Date Finished:9/8/99
Version: 1.01
Description: Purplish Blue Skin
Category: Cool Skins
Name(Author): Takasan Shimabukuro
Email: info-is@in-file
URL: Underconstruction/ None
File Name: takasonz.zip
File Size: 63.8kb
Smart AMP 2.2 by Fujix
October 2003
Thank you for downloading!
This skin is based on some utilities come with Sony Vaio.
Easy ...
---=== the CUBE v1.0 ===---
creator: Kuki
contact: info-is@in-file
(in english or german)
A friend told me there was a movie in the theaters a y ...
Welcome to the readme of Sony Orange v 2.1
This Hi-Fi skin is based on a Sony Minisystem.
This skin was made by Dean Gibson. I thank the author of Sony Deck v1.24 for the Sony badges. Thanks to freetextures.com for supplying the original metal backgro ...
; This region info generated by Winamp region.txt generator which is made by Maxim.
; http://winamp.mwos.cjb.net
; Note to skin authors: You can remove these comments so long as you leave one copy of the two lines above.
NumPoints=4,4,4,4,4,4 ...
TubeAmp Light - Winamp Skin
Version 2.0
A cool skin for Winamp.
Nearly everything has changed: new color palette, new spectrum analyzer colors, rebuilt equalizer and main window, cleaned up the bitmaps...
Millennium version: TubeAmp y2000 check i ...