Skin: SuperMarioBros3; WORLD 2
Author: jjpotter, remixed by LuigiHann for the Remix Contest
-Enhanced 16-bit graphics
-Elements and locations from World 2, Desert Hill
-Elements from the original SuperMario3 skin:
Stompable Goombas
Boomerang Bro. Playlist
And more
-Stuff that's really new:
Chain Chomp
The Fire Snake
The Angry Sun
And more
-Clever Thing:
I replaced the "Mugger Microgoombas" from the SMB3 skin, with "Piledriver Microgoombas"
The original JJPotter SMB3 skin is here:
Update 10/18/03
-Changed titlebar font
-Changed numbers
-Added 1-up easter egg (find it yourself!)
-Added koopa troopa in main
-Cryptic new easteregg titlebar
USC Winamp Skin Version 2.0
By Brian Westfall, USC Class of 2000. Cinema-Television Dept.
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Completed 03-01-00
I'd like to dedicate this USC Winamp skin to all of the graduates of the
University of Southern California's Sch ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
iTunes 6 Winamp
Based on Apple iTunes 6 for Windows
Skin by TC Falcon
Version 2.0
November 1, 2005
Version History:
2.0 November 1, 2005 (iTunes 6 Winamp)
1.02 June 9, 2004 (iTunes 4 Winamp)
1.01 December 20, 2003 ( ...
---- * SNOWED IN * ----
Zup my winampians, this is my second
skin called "snowed in". Yeh pretty
happy with it, yeh sweet l8tr.
---- ************* ----
3 - ?????????????? ...