Well, I'll say it fast, 'cause my english isn't so good. Bass is a character of the megaman series, you may now him as Forte.
If you see any problem or you want to sugest a theme for a skin (specially Megaman), contact me at:
info-is@in-file ...
Sailor Jupiter AMP - "Last of the Inner Senshi AMPs" v2.0
>>Psymon psaying hello for the fifth, but definitly not final, time. As per freakin usual, the most excellent pics that I used were from http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bay/9847/, whic ...
x| Swamps KenWood Player |x
x| my email is info-is@in-file |x
x| write me your comments about my skins |x
x| This skin is copyrighted by SwampFox |x ...
**Updated to support Winamp 2.90**
Thanks for downloading Kurtz. I hope you enjoy it.
All windows and cursors are skinned. This includes
the new Video and Library windows in Winamp 2.90.
Also now included is support for the Mi ...
Gecky's Winamp Skin... (c) Judy Schmidt 2000
Comment: I thought I'd try to make a Winamp skin when I heard someone else talking about one. This is my first skin, and I tried to make it unique and creative. It took a lot longer than I thought it would.. ...
---Amplifier--- to moja pierwsza udana skórka.
Trzy miesi¹ce pracy da³y chyba niez³y efekt, co nie?
Wersja druga, z medialib'em i vid'em
Check out my website: www.smrw.lodz.pl/~bozar/ ...
MetalX for Winamp 2.x
serie Platinium, version 1.3
by Borac
January 2003, Croatia.
Skinned components:
- Main ...
- - - G32amp - - - sungjee yoo
- - Basic Purple - -
b r uma,
people cheering me up,
y o u
- - Made for 'The War of Genesis' - -