FEUER&EIS 2.9 Edition
2003 by chrismale - time2wonder.com
Deleted the animated cursors for reasons of compatibility.
Well, finally updated and extended the skin, so it fits for the needs of winamp 2.9 and,
maybe, upcoming "winamp5". Changed all colors and some elements to fit the design of
feuereis.com (website for an Austrian brass-band-project -> check it out! NOW!).
Damn. So I told myself, that zwurbelwurbel is simply PART of the whole skinning-thing;
now there are animated cursors, and I hope you appreciate that as well.
Just built ONE cursor, 'cause I found that I do not like this overanimated "zwurbelwurbel" AT ALL.
If you're REALLY REALLY keen on that stuff, let me know, and I'll think it over again.
Nearly all windows skinned, no customized cursors so far.
There it is! feuereis.com got it's own winamp skin, based on the first ones I ever did - my
meatlove edition. Complete new look, a little more contrast and, most important, winamp2.9
compatible (comes with video- and librarywindows). ENJOY.
GraScale2.wsz L.Larsson
Updated 08/12/04
Updated Gra Scale Skin by 337,
works with WinAmp 2.5 & up.
All Windows Skinned*
*Updated Cursor set 04/05/03
A different Look!
Cleaned up Buttons & Gr ...
This skin is done. I know it's not aesthetically perfect, but I hope it brings back happy memories. i know it did for me!
-info-is@in-file ...
ReadMe.txt file for Obsession V1.0 By SMAR
Created for BreedArt pack #22 - http://www.breedart.org
My 2nd skin made for the new Breedpack.
Took a bit longer to make than I thought,
but it worked out nic ...
Author: Geci
Version 2.3
date: 07.10.2001
This is my second skin!
This skin includes: main window,playlist,
equalizer, minibrowser and AVS window.
software I used:
- PhotoShop 5.5
- EZButtons
Please don't use my skin to make Your ...
Skin Creado Por Ivan Palacios
Dedicado para Andrea Valencia La dueña de mi
tttttttttt tttttttttttt tttttt tttttt
tttttttttt tttttttttttt ...
YamahaAV 1.1
Changes made in this version include fixing the the Playlist window so that the window looks uniform when extending it. Also did some minor cosmetic improvements, aligned the logo's a little better, text is a little more readable, EQ window ...