> (version 1.1)
Winamp 2.x skin
By: Stephan Hoekstra aka AmpBurner (info-is@in-file)
Other skins by Ampburner:Smirnoff Vodka Power Amp 2000
Bacardi V1.0
The Idea of Snipeamp came from playing Unreal Tournament. One day I
woke up and thought hey, wouldn't it be nice to make a winampskin in
style of the scope of a sniper rifle. I took a look at Ut's HUD and
started skinning...
This is the third version Which has got nothing to do with the UT hud anymore.
It's more the technology/Sniper rifle concept feeling what I was aiming for in
SnipeAmp S.E.The whole idea of snipamp is to have functionality, style
,interactivity and the feeling of actually looking through a sniper scope.
I wanted it to be more than a skin, it had to actually contribute something
to winamp instead of just making it look different. Think it's worked out
quite nice...
Here's the deal: if you like my skin and would like to use some part of
it for your own projects, I really do not mind, under two conditions
that is... 1) Mention my name in the credits
2) when the skin's finished, please let me know by e-mailing me
a copy of your skin, and please mention which part u used.
You're free to modify the skin anyway you like, as long as you let me know
and give me a little bit of credit. If you're planning on modifying the skin
,but are sticking to the idea of a sniper scope, I would also appreciate it if
you would keep the name SNIPeAMP...
My thanks go out everyone who's downloaded any of my skins, and of course
the skin-sites. If you've downloaded and enjoyed this skin ,or if you have
a question or request, please let me know, coz i love feedback!
Skin-X for Winamp version 1.4
(Original Red)
May 01, 2005
Version 1.4:
Video and gen windows added
Other random bugfixes
Version 1.3:
NULLSOFT easter egg compliant
MikroAMP skinned
MB skinned with ...
If you use it, send me your participation to do others skins. Thank you.
Il vous plait? envouyez moi une participation pour travailler sur d'autre skins. Meri.
Skin pour Winamp 2.91
version Française
3 aout 200 ...
this is my 10. skin in this year (2000)
this skin has very cool radioactive light cable.
All is made with MS Paint. i hope you like it.
Mail me : info-is@in-file
Best skins:
SEED 7 ...
*** MetalX Apollo ***
for Winamp 2.9x
by Borac
June 2003, Croatia
Skinned components:
- Main skin
- E ...
HermesAMP v1.0
HermesAMP v1.0 @ 08.08.2002
>This is the HermesAMP. Based
in the Jamaican Futurama Character,
Bureaucrat Hermes Conrad. This
is an all green skin (like his suit),
and images of Hermes all around.
Put the ...
Ahh, the many fine faces of Cowboy Bebop's Faye Valentine! She is such a cool
character! She dresses flashy, is adventurous, and is a great card player. Not bad
for someone who is a bit older than she looks ^_-
http:// ...