MS2 skin by [MeLiO]
~This is my second skin,so thank you for downloading such a "hidios" skin again q:-) ~
~The same design as MS but inverted colors~
[Real name]
~MeLiO Skin 2 "MS2"~
[IRC Undernet]
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By GoldenSphynx
[ overCAST ]
by GoldenSphynx
You have downloaded my very first skin: overCAST. Every window is skinned including plug-ins and cursors.
Send all comments and question regarding overCAST to:
in ...
Numark BlueDog - A WinAmp "Skin" Interface.
version 4
Version notes:
New avs window and reworked player buttons
Designer's notes:
The interface is based on my personal Numark BlueDog mixer combined with some ...
By LuigiHann
This is based on an anime that's fairly new so you probably haven't seen it yet, but if you have the chance I'd definately recommend checking it out.
The skin's design is modeled after and uses an image from the show's in ...
The Duk Side.
(c) 2002 Neil Harvey
http://www btinternet.com/~harveynj101/jonestown.
Devil duckie, you're the one,you make bathtime lots of fun,
Devil Duckie I'm awfully dirty today. (woh woh bee-day!)
Devil Duckie, when you float ...