Thank you for downloading the skin which I made.
This picture is Uryuu_Ishida of "BLEACH"
This is the picture which I drew.
In addition to this in my site, the picture of animation, such as "BLEACH" and "NARUTO" and "Spirited Away", or ...
Here is my Akira-Kaneda skin. Obviously based on the anime/manga Akira. If you haven't seen Akira go out and rent it or buy it off the internetor something. I skinned all of the components including cursors, minibrowser,AVS. Enjoy.
- David ...
[Winamper 02]
By: R u b e n A v i l a
Inspired in my own imagination, i
tried not to make it difficult to
understant it at first sigth.
Readable, simple and quite futuristic
i guess, =)
Actually, this skin is the sequel of
a skin i ma ...
Original Skin Data for Winamp
Created by masa
Date Dec.22.2000
Thanx for downloading this file.
This ZIP file is including:
Skin Obras realizado por Sieg0.
Juan Gonzalez Vazquez-Prada.
mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ: 6021782
Granada(España) 26 de Octubre del 2000. ...
This skin was created by solace [Justin Hopper].
Finished: October 25th, 2002
Offical Artex Submittion. [www.artexgen.com]
For more colors or other skins, visit www.thedrool.com. ...