By Stephan Hoekstra AKA Ampburner
(info-is@in-file | www.ampburner.com)
This is my skin "SummerBreeze" and it is my entry
to the Nullsoft 2001 summer skin contest. Elements
of the summer I have put into this skin are, sun,
sea, beach and the playfull character of the season
:) Enjoy!
this skin comes with an AVS preset, especially
made by Doggy Dog! To use it, rename the file
"SummerBreeze.wsz" to "SummerBreeze.zip", then
extract the file "SummerBreeze by Doggy Dog.avs"
to your winamppluginsavs directory using your
favorite zip utility :)
Hiring Me:
I'm available as a freelance designer,If you're
interested, send me an email :info-is@in-file
Rip Notes:
If any of you even DARE to rip this skin I will
personaly...cry and ask myself what this world is
coming to if people don't even respect the time and
effort I put into this skin. >:-|
My thanks go out everyone who's downloaded any of
my skins, and of course the skin sites. If you've
downloaded and enjoyed this skin ,or if you have a
question or request, please let me know, coz I love
Special thanks:
to all my friends at the winamp.com share your skin
love forums (you know who you are!) especially to
Doggy Dog who made the AVS preset for this skin.
Other skins by Ampburner:
Smirnoff Vodka Power Amp 2000
Bacardi V1.0
SNIPeAMP Special Edition
Liquid Paradise
Maximum Velocity
A vodka a day keeps the doctor away?
SummerBreeze winamp skin
SummerBreeze, created by:
ampburner for the Nullsoft 2001 Summer skin contest.Special thanks go out to Doggy Dog for making the AVS preset.wOOt!
name - darkZone
release - v2.0
by Siegfried Frech
description - a classic-skin 4 Winamp 5 -
all windows skinned.
Thanks for downloading my skin.
If you have any comment or suggestion to tell me,
please mail me to: info-is@in-f ...
Released Oct 6th - 2001
*Bandung - Indonesia*
Hi all the skin collector, thank you for downloading and using this skin.
Make sure You run on a true color (24 or 32 bit) display with a resolution
at (min) 1024-768 for the best result.
DarqueSyde II Winamp Skin
by John Theodorski
December 2000
What began as a facelift for one of my earlier skins has taken on a life of its own. Once I got started, it really flew together - most of the skin was done in a d ...
MooAMP Wide Screen - skin for Winamp 2.0+
Version 2.5
What is MooAMP Wide Screen?
MooAMP WS is a skin set for Nullsoft's Winamp 2.0 or later. It completly changes the orginal
s ...
``````````````````````` Pioneer MPH7300R ``````````````````````````
I have released 3 pioneer skins, but this is the
only one that is actually based on a head-unit,
i hope this one will be a sucess unlike the others...
Winamp3 is out and taken ove ...
Thank you for downloading
Well, I thought Edo would end up
being my last culture themed skin
before winamp 3; But as fate would
have it, it wasn't- as winamp 3 is
now still being straigtene ...
My third Winamp skin.
It's simple & glassic green !
Harmonious with 'DFX-SenseGreen'skin.
Include 'tmsVU_color' & 'albumlist_skin'
Thank you !
e-mail : info-is@in-file
SelectedBG=#00A ...
wersja 1.0 ************************
* BLACK CAT corp. *
* Skins for Winamp *
* by Małanka Krzysztof *
"Winamp XP"
Historia Wersji:
Winamp XP to całkowicie nowa skórka. Użytkownicy W ...