Ice Climber winamp skin. by LuigiHann, images copywright Nintendo.
Thanks to Shyguy Kingdom for the sheet of sprites.
This skin is in honor of the Classic NES series for Game Boy Advance, even though Ice Climber isn't a very good game, it's still pretty fun.
1. What is polished?
polished is a skin for winamp 2.0 or later.
it is a simple good made skin for people listening
often mp3's who dont like too many gizmos.
2. Installation:
unzipping to your winamp/skins directory will create
a subfolder ...
by Larry Tennison
This is the third installment to the
shocker series. As of before, the
skin was created out of bordom. I
had nothing else to do one day so
I started the creation of this skin.
I worked on ...
#### GFX AMP ####
Version 1.0 for Winamp 2.x
- Skin by Neojag 30/04/2002
- Bascily a bit themed like my site :)
- Personalized cursors and skinned MB / AVS window will be added if its worth to (read, if anyone download this thing ;)
- Completely ...
Skin: IlliniAmp 2.9
Author: jjpotter
Hail to the Orange, Hail to the Blue
Hail Alma Mater, ever so True
We love no other, so let our motto be:
Victory, Illinois, Varsity
This skin sucked to make. It's got some issues I'd like to iron out, but it's a start. I had to make quite a few compromises, namely static type buttons to accomodate a reasonable shadow. The Play List was a bitch!
Best Wishes,
spacejazz [a.k.a kendal ...
SAAB 95 Skin V1.2 13/11/1999
This is my first attempt a Winamp skin and was created
because I was bored and it seemed like something to do.
I used Paintshop Pro 5 for most of the work but used ...