Digital Breeze!
Author: Niklas Kalliotie
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Readme content
3.Useless information
I don't know anything
I can not give any information of the skin because I don't know anything
I lied
> If I can get your approval, I wouldn't mind posting Nomad for Winamp.
You have my permission to release whatever skins you decide to do based on nomad. ...
Star Trek Panels
This is my first skin for v2.x WinAmp. Feel free to modify the skin if you wish. If you decide to distribute it please reference my work and send me a copy to info-is@in-file.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...
Skin: 8oP's Savage Garden
Artist: info-is@in-file
Note: (skin #2)
My fave music artists. Cool Savage Garden dragon on Main window. Cover from their debut album on Eq. Tried to follow the SG black/white theme. The little colorful character is su ...
1st skin by
Bernd Jungbluth
This skin shall NOT be flashy, noisy or any other way anoying.
This skin shall be light, straight and reassuring.
This skin is created with assistance by Skinne ...
=========: Psycho Amp :=========
Really a Psyched Out Amp I made for
my love for psy-chaotic maddness
Nikhil - a.k.a CyberBaba
Visit my site for my other Skinz
Ferrari - Adidas - Cyberdelix ..... ...
August 24, 1999
Okay, I have made 8 Rasen no Kakera skins now. Yeesh, I can't get enough
of the artwork from this series! I should probably take a break from Rasen
Skins, or everyone will get sick of seeing them ^_^ Anyway, I liked the color
sche ...
Steeled v2.2
The third version of the steeled skin.....
New Features.....
AVS skinned
Custom AVS plugin (extract it to your AVS plugins directory)
Hope this skin will finally become a 5 star. :)
Thank you
Contact info :-
email :- ...