SCUAIR mo - WA 2.91 skin - by bunji
SCUAIR mo is my attempt on the metal-skin franchise. Hope you dig it! I put about 40 hours of work into this little baby.
Created with inspration from 883(883design.tk) and with help from Joe Petagno III - thanks for the words of wisdom. Id3tag font '@s and &s' ideas taken from 'master h - thirteen' album credits.
Check those playlist buttons! groovy! ... no! the eq-3d-square isn't being spray-painted, it's being lit up by a small spot! dammit!
24-10-03 @ 15:50 by BUNJI DESIGN 2003
More skins @ geocities.com/bunjidesign
pb version 1.2.1
par Rémy Magalhaes
achevé le 03 février 2001
Voilà mon deuxième skin tant attendu,
librement inspiré par la revue du même
Merci à Colin, Xavier, Eilen
et aux autres que j'oublie sûrement.
Pour les rentes voila mon adres ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
DangerAmp; Made by angri
This Amp is inspired by the popular Comic Book DangerGirl. This version is with avs and minibrowser, and some small errors has been corrected, if you think that this skin is god or have any comments please mail me at info-is@in ...
Happy 20th Anniversary, Super Mario Bros.
For those of you unfamiliar with the design, the Family Computer, or "Famicom," was the Japanese Nintendo system which became the iconic NES in most of the rest of the world. For some reason, the Famicom design ...
Czarnystok v.1.0
(c) by Smaug/Yoss
As you can see, there is some bugs in here, but
i'll try to fix them in the next version :-)
And no minibrowser and AVS windows supported (yet:-)
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