to the one who knows feat. dark & daisuke from the
anime serise:DNANGEL
skined by:shadow of mercury
i haven't saw dnangel yet but i've read the story
on the net and it seemed very cool,i think that it has
aweird and alittel complicated story maybe cos i
haven't saw it but i know that i like it.
i've got the title from the bottom of the card i've
use for the skin and i thougt of it i saw that it
suits since i don't know any thing about dark&daisuke
so the skin is dedicated to those who are fans of
as for the pic i had to flip it so the vis area wont
cover darks face so don't worry ther is nothing
wrong with your PC :p
i hope you appreciate the work i've but in this skin
so plz don't change anything in it. you can distribute
it allover the net but plz say its mine and with this
if you have any commanets i'll be happy to know
enjoy and happy listing
emma badran
by MinSun song
(info-is@in-file |
first of all..I'm not good at english..
this is my first skin to submit in ''
I started making skins for supporting my company..(Game & Character)'s ...
Shogun skin for Winamp 2.x
by John Theodorski
April 2001
Skin crafted for Nullsoft 'Official Ninja Month.'
I have used this as an opportunity to expand my collection of skins reflecting ancient civilizations and architecture, so in the ...
Alfa Plus
Created By : Ahmed Waqas Abid.
Thank You for using my skin.
I follow my home stereo deck to make this skin.I made this skin approximately in 20 days.I also made the "Matching Cursor" for it.Please check them if you disable them.I made ...
1. About Providence:
Providence is a tabletop role-playing game which combines high fantasy and superheroes. Published by XID Creative, Providence contains a richly detailed environment with quick and flexible ...
read me text for tubular amp
by amp-phibian
well this is my 4th skin but 3rd submitted still working on that third one
look for hi-fi integration coming soon
as with most of my skins the main idea is to be new innovative and original
the concep ...
NeroAmp (version 2.10)
Created by Nero!
Changes from v 2.01:
This skin includes a skin for the Minibrowser.
If you want it to work, you must extract all files in the zip
file, to a diretory. Winamp CAN'T read the minibrowser skin
file from t ...