I made this skin because I wanted a simple skin that I could understand, and like. I based it on my website colours (see http://moab-software.tk/). I live in Colorado, USA.
Yeah, many man hours went into this skin, like maybe 20.
There were no skin-creating programs used to make my skin, and I made it with no other persons help (besides suggestions).
bg area: #fafafa
light gray: #aaaaaa
dark gray/writing: #666666
Jeff Cook
aka Moab-Software
...I've never been to canaduh...
...Walter Sobchack (construction worker)...
...me gusta nadar en el supermercado...
...j'aime nager au supermarche/...
...i like to swin at the supermarket...
...i like burritos and sandwiches...
...it snows here...sometimes...
Started skin: Apr 11, 2004
Finished skin: ??? ??, 2004
Tundra Winamp Skin 1.5 - Classic Skin
Actualizated with bugs fixed
by Paulo Antunes
January, 2nd, 2005 - Happy new year!
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Enjoy Experience! :D
Thanks as peoples with ...
- created by JPL
- February, 2003
- Enjoy!
Tip! Use WinAmp Cursor ...
Author : J. Wang
Date : 08/18/01
Contact: info-is@in-file
Copyright 2001 Wang Creations
A winamp 2.XX skin featuring Rosario Sanchez from Rush Hour 2
If you want to see more skin for winamp from this author see below
Restrict ...
*** ]V!tal!z0r[ AMP ***
>>by: c-5pecter (Christian Schönrank)
hi, folks!
this is my latest skin for Winamp 2.xx. this time i tried to catch up the "summer fee ...