Skin created for to accessorize the 2004 Spring website theme.
This skin was created by Jonathan Tenkely of, please do not re-distribute this skin without permission from Jonathan Tenkely - info-is@in-file.
This skin was created March of 2004 - 2 on and off days.
This skin is copyright 2004 Meniscus Graphics. Any reproduction without credit or permission will be considered theft.
AMPOWERS 2.0 (Austin Powers) SKIN for WINAMP
Created by Massimo Maisano info-is@in-file
version 2.0 11/08/2000
I didn't want to complete the work, but I had to, 'cause a stupid guy published on MY skin with HIS name (James Hastings, y ...
----Tech_amp2:Last Edition----
Welcome to my readme!
Thanks for downloading my skin.
It's my last skin before
Winamp 3 comes.
It looks much much better
now that I have used
smoother interface.
Hope you like it!
Send e-mails at:
info-is@in-fi ...
Austin Powers in GOLDMEMBER
In Theaters JULY 26
Come check out Austin Powers webiste at:
Original ...
DangerAmp 2.0
You're probably wondering what happened to DangerAmp 1.0 (If not - why not? :) I decided to make version 2 while waiting on permission from the author of the wallpaper I used in creating the main amp o ...