-:: Apolon skin v0.1 ::-
- October 2001
- webpage: http://black.crotours.hr
- email: info-is@in-file
- Do not change and distribute this winamp skin
without my permission. If you wish to have this
winamp skin for download at your website then
contact me for permission.
- Copyright İ 2001 Blackdesgin, All Right Reserved.
"AltairAwake[al19full]" ByAltair
When chaos conquers everything,
there is only one chance
to reach happy future;
awakening of order,
[as promised]
complete skin with all windo ...
Ice Rainİ for Winamp 2.9x
by Victor Avendano
Made with Adobe Photoshop 7 and MicroAngelo 5
100% Original, this is the second Winamp skin I've made. Also inluded in the file are skins for the plug-ins MikroAmp and Cover & Tag.
Do not copy, alter or ...
- = Battousai = -
- Simple skin for Rurouni Kenshin.
The pic is from the Ova.
(If u wonder where it from)
- luiGi
email: info-is@in-file
- You can find me at Warcr ...
Everclear Amp 1.1
Welcome and if you are reading this thanx
for gettin this skin It was made as i like
everclear and the lack of good everclear
skins out there forced me to make my own,
so here it is.
This is the first updated version and it
Name: AmyTal - Blue
Author: Joe W. Garrett
Email: info-is@in-file
Mine don't touch
You can't modify or change or update unless you ask me first and I explicitly give you permission.
The Woodshop
background-re ...
Created by Gloria Hsieh
Finished in March 2001
Guess how many bettles are in this skin?
P.S. The answer is "three" ;-p
After I made my first beetle skin, I decided to make the second on ...
T-RackS v1.1 by Barta
Based on T-RackS GUI. T-RackS is a nice mastering
software, download it at: www.t-r ...
Designed by : Cherrie Petrissa
This is my third skin and by far the most succesful and complete I've made.
I don't give version numbers since the n ...
This skin was originally intended to be finished by mid October...but with moving across 3 states, having to find a new job, and getting things situated it got pushed back substantially. Now...I think it's done.
-Edward Sadler
info-is@in-file ...