Pyranha by Kartal...
Version 1.0
Winamp 2.9x compatible.
Set "snap winamp windows" at 3 pixels to center the main window to the window below .it's in the options/preferences/display.if you do this , open button and titlebars will look at the same it'll look good... by the way this skin works with "dungeon" font that you can find it in it's own file "pyranha 1.0.wsz"....
Xtd 9199 v1.0
Xploring new technichs is accually the reason why i made this skin...
i had this idea during my vacations and i think it turned out ok.
Other X-caponius' winamp skins
Red X ...
..Incubus Created By Mister|Enigma..
Yeah another skin...woohoo
..Details Below..
Yes! I know there are no shuffle
or repeat buttons its tough really
spoils the main :p
Made this skin aaaages ago but only decided
to get ba ...
LG digital sound
Released 2nd oct 00
"Bandung Indonesia"
Hear your favorite MP3 with LG Digital Sound
and feel the amazing sound.
Skinmaster : Iswahyudi "idhuy" Hanafiah
e-mail : info-is@in-file ...
a redo of my first skin, hope you enjoy it. This version is in red, hope the winamp staff dosen't think it's too dark this time =P
Feel free to email me at info-is@in-file which is also my adress for msn messanger if for some reason you want to talk to ...