Ali Larter skin v1.0
This skin was made by Mr Tough Guy.
special thanx to Cyana for making template amp, which made my job a lot easier.
previous work can be found at:
or http ...
Just a note.....this skin looks best against darker
I want to thank Simon Eichorn (info-is@in-file) for his
permission to try out his truly inspiring transparency! Danke Sehr
And thanks to Kimmo....for e ...
NamasteDown ---- for Winamp 2.x ---- By JimmyJames
Version 1.0
Thank you for downloading my skin! Feel free to email
me with suggestions.
I wanted to make a bright skin with some color and an
interesting ...
*-=++ever green++=-*
By gab bnouwop
My latest winamp 2 skin, enjoy =)
Other skins by bnouwop:
Marat Safin
Marat S
marat safin tennis
Marat Saf ...
-=-=-= StoneAmp v1.5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Thanks for downloading StoneAmp. :)
NullSoft could have done a little bit of a
better job with the whole skin support but
oh well ya do with what you can, aye? Oh
and don't get me wro ...
- P_J's Font v 1.0-
The font included in this skin is named P_J's Font, and is created
entirely by me and was designed purely to make the song names in
the playlist easier to read.
To make this font work just move the "P_J.ttf" ...