# Id
eraser_grey version 0.0.6
# Info
This is sort of an ever evolving skin set ported to several apps in all sorts of colors.
Updated to provide support for Winamp 2.9. Now supports: Playlist Editor, Equalizer, Library, Minibrowser and Video windows.
I have not found any obvious bugs so far but if you do please drop me an email.
# Contact
If you have any question, comments or issues you can email me at:
Release Notes for the maxlist WinAMP Skin
22. July 2003 - Final Release
created by jim_phelps (Rafael Czerwinski, info-is@in-file)
This skin is a port of the Dynamine visual-style by ...
X 1999 by Clamp
"Digital Green"
Date: 28 August 2002
[For Winamp 2]
Green , bright green, dark green, green.
I was in a "greenish mood" and
the picture of Satsuki with her Beast
caught my attention.
Then, ta da.....
Digital Green -- the prod ...
Kirsten Dunst v1.0
This skin covers the Main Player, The Playlist, The Equalizer, The Video, The General Windows, (Media Library, etc) all windowsh ...
MS2 skin by [MeLiO]
~This is my second skin,so thank you for downloading such a "hidios" skin again q: ...