Raymond's FORM-AMP skin.
Hi everyone.
This is my first (offifcial) skin. It supports the Equalizer, Playlist and Minibrowser.
This skin is NOT supposed to look like Windows 95, but look like a form that you can create with something like Visual Basic. It does NOT use standard buttons, but uses the standard select-type options to choose the option you want.
If you like it, or modify it, why not let me know?
Raymond Robinson
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
Web: http://members.xoom.com/raymondrob
V1.0 Release of first skin. Color-depth at 24bit, and not windows-indent (window-depth) not completely consistant on all modules.
V1.1 Perfected the skin. Set color-depth down to 4 bit / 16 colors (smaller zip file), and set a completely consistant windows-indent (depth) on all modules. Improved the symbols in winshade (reduced-size) mode. Deleted some old test files, no longer needed.
--== Heidi Klum II Skin for Winamp ==--
Version 2.0 for Winamp 2.x
Get the latest version at: http://www.1001winampskins.com/
Installation instructions:
Simply unzip all of the files into your /skins/heidi2/
directory then click alt+s ...
.,-=~ Sequence ~=-,.
~=-,. Dark Side .,-=~
By Rendom (c) 2005
For better appearance use skinned font: Ctrl+P>Classic Skins>Use skinned font for main...
A ...
Here is my Akira-Kaneda skin. Obviously based on the anime/manga Akira. If you haven't seen Akira go out and rent it or buy it off the internetor something. I skinned all of the components including cursors, minibrowser,AVS. Enjoy.
- David ...
Fettamp v 1.0
This skin was made by Darth Chronic
This skin features everybodies favourite bounty hunter
Boba Fett and his father Jango Fett.
The pics we're mostly taken from the official
Star Wars website:
and some ar ...
By Andrew Mackowski
Hi! Thanks for downloading this skin. It is very functional and I think it looks great. Just a note, this skin does not mean that I endorse the program SubSeven (Sub7), I just like the GUI.
This ...