Digital Stereo 73
Tell me what you think of this or other skins of mine, and download more at:
or e-mail me at:
all skin components are original and therefore property of me, and are not to be used without my permission
.: c a d e n c e :.
by avatar aka fyre
Finally finished
this skin. Right
on Christmas. Added
AVS and MB to make
the final skin.
You may make changes
to this skin but
please don't upload
yours and take credit
for it.
Visit my website ...
"Jaded" version 1.0
29 July 2002
Created by Dimichan
This file done specifically for 1001's file size requirements, so some of the bmps are 16 bit color, though I didn't see any degradation.
Thanks to the people in the Skinlove forum!
Pleas ...
CeleR0n v.1
Joe Flores
Well, after over a year without skinning Wa2 (i was interested in Wa3 until it pissed me off cuz its slow) I made CeleR0n.
I skinned everything for Wa2.9x and I did the cursors too! All of my previous skins ...
Release date: December 6, 2000
About HangOn suite: This suite begans becaus ...
Just to prove I can still make game skins better than anyone else :p
Even if this isn't my best work, it's good practice.
-LuigiHann(at hotmail dot com)
For old-school side-scrolling action, arrange the windows horizontally, a la Main-EQ-Playlist-o ...
Card Captor Sakura - Peach Puff (v.4)
by: schezo
created : may 6, 2001
finished 1st version : may 6, 2001
finished 2nd version : may 6, 2001
finished 3rd version : may 8, 2001
finished 4th version : may 10, 2001
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