Windows 98 skin for Winamp v. 1,4
Author: Misiek N.
Date: 24.IX.2000
Where: Swidwin (Poland)
Hi. Thanks for downloading the third version of Windows 98- amp skin. I wanted this skin to look like the integral part of Windows 98.
< Deus Ex Amp >
Copyright 2002 by Crocodile Dumbdee [Andrew ('AJ') Ashton]
Original Release: March 11, 2002
Created for: Winamp 2.x
Version: 1.0.1
Last Update: March 28, 2002
1) Copyright Notice
2) Origi ...
Skin created by Alishah Novin
on a sunny July day, when noone was home, and he was bored.
Hope you like my skin! I used Adobe Photoshop 5.0 for most of it,
and Paintbrush every now and then.
Thanks to Kepher Rupp, the maker of The Silence winamp S ...
::: Winamp XP :::
Software Interface (skin) for the Winamp music player (
Release date: November 2, 2001
Thank you for downloading Winamp XP. This skin is compatible with Winamp 2.x and was designed to be used in conjunct ...
This skin contains 2 versions of EQMAIN.BMP. The default doesn't support equalizer. If you need it open the skin with winzip and rename the "EQMAN.BMP" file into someother and name the "EQMAIN - with EQ.BMP" to "EQMAIN.BMP".
Send your comments to info-i ...