AriX Ilimitado ®
Autor: Leandro Cortese
Fecha: 23/10/03
Lugar: Castelar, Bs. As. Argentina
Programas utilizados: Macromedia Fireworks MX y Corel Photo-Paint 8.0
Contacto: info-is@in-file ICQ: 107923557
Hola! espero que les guste el skin, después de mucho trabajo finalmente lo termine.
Por último ya saben que cualquier comentario y/o sugerencia pueden contactarme mediante mi cuanta de correo electrónico o mi nro de ICQ.
Muchas Gracias por descargar el skin!
LeO (CorMedia)
Nota: Esta prohibida la modificación total o parcial de este skin sin autorización del autor.
Kelly Brook
version 2 (May 2005)
In making this version of the skin first I had to sacrifice the EQ bars, by making them translucent in favour of giving the full image
Updates May 2005
-skinned video w ...
Meddling Kids
version 1.51
By flatmatt
This Winamp skin is Scrappy-free for your protection.
Visit for the rest of my cool Winamp stuff!
To make comments, suggestions, or just to say that I suc ...
Skin name: Mushroom Samba
Release version: 1.5
Author name (or alias): Robs
Date Completed: 23.02.2004 (v1.0), 01.03.2005 (v1.5)
Description: A mushroom skin built with different personal photos
taken fr ...
iTunes 4 Winamp
Based on Apple iTunes 4.1 for Windows
Skin by TC Falcon
Version 1.01
December 20, 2003
Version History:
1.01 December 20, 2003
1.0 December 7, 2003 ...
ReadMe! Fatal Encounter v1.0 for WinAmp
Hi all. There's a nice story behind the skin, so that will be the first thing. Here goes:
I just thought I finished this skin, so I've put the skin ...
Thank you for using this skin!
Trancemaster by DF
Everything is skinned in this one,incl. AVS & Cursors!
This is a skin featuring some small pictures from CD covers of:
Trancemaster 22
Trancemas ...