: : : : : : :::::::::: Cave of Steel :::::::::: : : : : :
Thanks for downloading this skin.
This is my first skin, and a lot of work went into
it! Have fun with the skin
Copy the ZIP-file to the winamp/skins, launch
Winamp, go to the option-menu and use the
skin-browser to select the skin.
This is my first skin which made totally with photoshop.
This skin is tribute to Hugh Jackman. He's being so cool
in the X-men the movie as Wolverine. I hope you like my winamp
skin. This skin also include with minibrowser and avs. So enjoy. ...
Winamp Media Player 10
This skin is based entirely on Windows Media Player 10. If you prefer the appearance of Windows Media Player 10 as I do, then you will like this skin.
Skin created by Matthew Sher.
Thank you for downloading this skin. Enj ...
Thanks for downloading Bunker. I hope you enjoy it.
To see my other Winamp skins visit my website at:
As you may have noticed, this file is a bit different than the winamp files you are used to. Contained within this zip are a small assortment of altered "PREVIEW" files to give you and the various skin sites that do not use screenshots a ...
WACKAMP v1.0 by Ratper README
Hey there, thanks for downloading my first ever Winamp
skin WACKAMP. You've obviously got some good taste : ...
Version 2.2
By ~Raidr Created 6-14-99
İ1999 by Dean Peterson
Editors Notes:
This Winamp skin is actually only my forth skin I've ever
done. My last three were all Tomb Raider/Lara C ...
LIQUID - Version 3.5 - INFO
Created by
Pforzheim/Munich, Germany
E-Mail: info-is@in-fi ...