- created by JPL
- February, 2003
- Enjoy!
Tip! Use WinAmp Cursor
---------- Millennium ----------
Releaseversion: 2.1
Creator: Riccardo Mosca
Date: 16/4/2000
Contact: info-is@in-file
What's different from v2.0?
A small error in Equalizer and new menu for Playlist
What's different from v1.0?
Bug fixed, tri ...
STENO - V2.0
Version 2 - I decided not relabel it on the design
New button and some design extras. Left the original
Readme stuff here!
********************************************** ...
...::::: CYBER BOY ::::::...
Hi everyone this is my sixth skin for nullsoft winamp.
I like to say thank's to Nullsoft corporation for the most useful software in the World for music, and
the best visualization software A.V.S. ( My Favourite... ) ...
Winamp Media Player 10
This skin is based entirely on Windows Media Player 10. If you prefer the appearance of Windows Media Player 10 as I do, then you will like this skin.
Skin created by Matthew Sher.
Thank you for downloading this skin. Enj ...
yeh dis is da first skin i published but the second i made
(trust me u don wanna c ma 1st one) im jus learnin so obviusly
it isn't goin 2 compare 2 som of da skins made by the "pros"
later on
oh yeh if u wanna giv me a shoutout ma ...
Winamp Skin Properties:
Title: GrapAmp
Author: :RHINO:
Version: 1.7
Winamp version: v2.77
Software used:
MS Paint and
Iconforge 4.6
Thanks for using
this skin. Have fun
and listen to a lot
of great music. Once
again ...