17 of August of 2000
Ash and Pikachu v3.1
Notes: Today I updated my 1st winamp skin.
Is about Pikachu and Ash Ketchum.
My name's Vítor and I am 14 years old,
I'm from Portugal. I did it in Ms Paint and Paint Shop
Pro 5.
If you have any comments or
suggestions on my skin fell free to e-mail me.
I think I Updated all errors and bugs, if
you find any e-mail me.
E-mail me (please)::::::: info-is@in-file ::::::::
>If you downloaded my skin;
>If you can help me more on how to create skins;
>If you like the skin;
>If you have good skins for me;
>If you dislike;
>If you want e-mail me for anything else;
>If you think that Winamp Rulezz;
>If you like Pokémon.
Important :
My next skin will be about Pokémon Movie 2000, I need help to find images and ideas for buttons.
Could you help me? If you do e-mail me.
"The Hollow" V1.0 July 19 2003 by ~dimichan~
Made for the skin remix contest at 1001winampskins.com
Original skin - "Nostromo" by Atmo, remixed with his permission, you can see the original at http://www.1001winampski ...
Boy Meets World
By flatmatt
Version 1.11
April 15, 2004
I created this skin for one of my favorite TV shows of all time, Boy Meets World. It only took ten days to make, which is incredible for me.
The skin features:
B ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
I present to you my Third Skin mangamp MISC 49...
A friend sez pretty cool... what do you think??...
There are more to come... Thanxx
E-mail: info-is@in-file ...
WinAmp XP v2 - Silver Edition
And at last I have finished the last work! This is the skin which was always wanted from me. The people who
wanted me to make the silver edition of original WinAmp XP will surely love thi ...
P I O N E E R D E H - 4 2 4 R
----------------{ I N F O }------------------
; author: jone
; date : 03.12.99
; for : winamp 2.24 ->
; misc : Its a new update of my old 3.0 verision
---------{ O T H E R ...
Look! It's Card Captor Kamui and Fuuma-chan! hehehe :) Too bad the bars on
the EQ skin block some of the view, but you can see here that Kamui is leafing
through the book of Clow, and that Fuuma has Sakura's wand. And Kero-chan
seems to b ...
What's Up Doc ? Love
iToon for Winamp 2.91
Please help me to sail with my boat,
and send me or give to the first homeless
people you meet : 2.91 EUR / USD
if you use this ski ...