30/07/2006 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Proyections DA6 Version
~Deviant Art Birthdays WASkin Gift~
Winamp Classic Skin
by: El*ArGeNtO
all gfx by El*ArGeNtO
The first version of this skin had a great feedback, but there was a problem about the colours...and when I saw the new deviantart style i tought it was a great colour scheme...so I used it and it looks great for my eyes...hope you like this one more than the first one...
-Main Window
-Main Windowshade Mode
-Equalizer Window
-Equalizar Windowshade Mode
-Playlist Window
-Playlist Windowshade Mode
-Generic Window (Media Library, Station Info, AVS)
-Video Window
-Minibrowser (old version)
-Mikroamp skin (Plugin)
-Customised Cursors
2)Programs Used:
-This skin was entirely made in MS Paint
-The Region TXT was generated by Winamp region.txt generator which is made by Maxim. http://winamp.mwos.cjb.net
-The Viscolor TXT was modified by Winamp Vis Toolkit by Andrew Mackowski http://home.pacbell.net/mackowsk
-The cursors were made with AWicons lite by lokas software
3)Legal Advice
-Don't use any elements of my skin for your own proyects
-Don't pass this skin as your own work
-You can modify the files for personal use only. You cant publish it without my permission
-any doubts or comentaries send them to elargentodesign [at] hotmail [dot] com
4)Thanks to
The people at the skin love forums for their comments and help.
-New Decca
this skin is also dedicated to them, and also to some other friends of mine at DA
-and everyone who had ever enjoyed one of my skins.
Contact to:
email:: elargentodesign [at] hotmail [dot] com
site:: http://el-argento.deviantart.com
for all my skins look for me at
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