This Skin was made by Kjell Ervik 1999.
You may distribuate it freely
Original name: Fairline Amp
It's a tribute to the American car
I thought it might fit right in under the Dashboard???
Artificial Intelligence
visit my website: Comkillserve
visit the official A.I. website:
A.I. amp
David is 11 years old.
He weighs 60 pounds.
He is 4 f ...
Generic Silver - by Klae Ryan
This skin is a ripoff of any silver skin you've ever seen.
It is not unique.
It is like everything you've ever seen.
The idea came from constantly trying to make silver style skins like the ones you see everywhere. I ...
Aguileramp: "Dirrty Dominatrix" Version 2.0
Created By L. Bacud
Nov. 26th 2002; Update Apr. 27th 2004
Dominatrix: (n) A woman who acts out
the role of the dominating partner in
a sadomasochistic or other sexual
rel ...
by InfinityX
This skin is based on the Litestep theme of the same
name created by
The theme itself is available from
(registrati ...
C R I M S O N B L O O D - kensen john
Updated: genex.bmp
----- D E M O N -----
This one took me hours... 22 hours totaly.
Everything was skinned. Lyrics, Bookmark Skin... result of a empty day. :/
But, worth it.
Don't Rip this Skin.
Any comments , e-mail me at:
Primary E-mail:
info-is@in- ...