For all of you Panionios fans out there!!!!
Για όλους τους Πάνθηρες!!!
This is just my first Winamp skin and it's about my favourite team, Panionios and the fans of th ...
QuickTime Amp ver. 1.40
Why a QuickTime Winamp skin?
Well I love the way the new QuickTime 4.0 looks and the features of
Winamp 2.0+ so, boom QuickTime Amp.
Creator :: Jose Perdomo
Email :: info-is@in-file
::::[ Bend v3 ]::::
by SacRat, based on Bend v2 by the-joker
Changes from the original skin:
-the font is changed (edited)
-min/max/close buttons' for is changed
-balance/volume are updated (for example, balance has a stripe now)
-eq/pl buttons ...
LASERmecha_4000 Genesis
LASERmecha_4000 Genesis is a reissue of the original LASERmecha_4000 skin. The original skin was created on a computer using wrong contrast settings. The result was that the skin ended up appearing darker on most monitors than w ...