C O N N E C T - X
C O N N E C T - X
The new simplistic skin from skinme!
If you want to talk to me about this skin
you should find me in the SHARE YOUR SKIN
LOVE forum at Winamp:
MrJones, for his relentless help with the
MikroAmp and eq_ex.bmp ;)
dekt, for the name
ampburner, for saying "stunning"!
flatmatt, for his bug report
cyana, wildrose-wally, ddeaco, BullGawD,
garetjax and the rest of the Skin Love
Community for the input
Abi (my best friend), for the idea for a simple
red (her favourite colour) green (my favourite
colour) and yellow (it's cool ok!) skin
My mum, dad, all the fans out there, you the general
public.... just joking ;)
Thank you for downloading this. Every download counts!
WWW: http://www.virtue.nu/connectx
EMAIL: info-is@in-file
>>>Skin Info:Kaolla:<
(as mentioned above), but that was a necessity to honour her greatness.
.The best part of the skin (in my opinion) is the winshade EQ. The worst
world have to be the winshade Main Window, but I can't be bothered ...