WinJay Beta 1 Skin created by "DJ PAPPAN" (M-M)
If You want to tell me something about the Skin or
You need help to make a Skin,
send me an E-mail to:
(In the next version will be included the animated cursors)
WinJay Beta 1 Skin fue creado por "DJ PAPPAN" (M-M)
Si deseas hacerme un comentario acerca del Skin o
necesitas ayuda para crear un Skin,
enviame un E-mail a:
(En la próxima versión incluiré los cursores animados)
The Duk Side.
(c) 2002 Neil Harvey
Devil duckie, you're the one,you make bathtime lots of fun,
Devil Duckie I'm awfully dirty today. (woh woh bee-day!)
Devil Duckie, when you float ...
thermophobiac version 2
Tell me what you think of this or other skins of mine, and download more at:
or e-mail me at:
info-is@in-file ...
LIQUID - Version 3.5 - INFO
Created by
Pforzheim/Munich, Germany
E-Mail: info-is@in-fi ...
I just thought I should tell you all who use my skin that if you take
away the Region.txt file you can see the parts that I've made
transparent and if you wonders about anything you can mail me on
and I'll try to response to you as quick as
Plain and simple:
- Thanx for downloading
- There are 7 more skins i've made of this same "theme"
and one of the "Worlds Greatest Guitarrist", so
download them all
- Any comment or suggestion: info-is@in-file
or icq my associate PaNchO at 1532 ...