ViewSonic Skin 2.0 for Winamp 2.x
This was the first skin I made, and it has been totally updated to look better than ever.
It know has everything skinned and a new color scheme.
Ed Paff
Hello Tiki & Winamp fans!
I feel really bad I can't entertain our Mac cousins,
but I am not-that-savvy to translate MacCast stuff...
Here we are on Jan. 29, 2000, and in the wee hours I finish
TikiAmp v1Final(v5)!
Here's what's newest in TikiAmp vers ...
Eilen Galvin Skin
Created by James Lennox.
Date: November 10, 2055 to November 15, 2005
This Skin was created using Adobe Photoshop to edit images. Ima ...
EVANGELIST winamp skin
by Cameron Kerr
version 1.0 11/09/2000
And yes, it does appear that such things as the mono/stereo, balance, shuffle and repeat are hidden. That's because Miss Linda has such a pretty face. It would be a same to have "SHUFFLE/ ...